Monday, September 3, 2007

A Semi-Comprehensive List of Republican Scandals, Corruption Cases, etc.

From ccmask at Firedoglake:

Jack Abramoff -prison
Bob Allen -Veteran Park sex scandal
George Allen -called an American voter a Macaca
Michael Ray Aquino -involved in espionage thru Cheney’s office
Dan Bartlett -DOJ Investigation
Michael Battle -Resigned after informing usa’s of their firing
Ken Blackwell- Election Theft
John Bolton - Resigned. Encouraged the words Yellowcake uranium in Bush’s SOTUS
Michael Brown -Resigned over his handling of Katrina and aftermath.
Conrad Burns –dropped out
George W. Bush -Invaded countries under false pretences
Ken Calvert’s - land deal scrutiny
Andy Card - Resigned. Played a critical role in justifying the Iraq war.
Tucker Carlson -Tracked & beat up a gay man with a buddy
Dick Cheney -Involved in Plame affair; said troops would be greeted with flowers
Susan Collins - Incorrectly claimed a dem tracker acted inappropriately towards her
Ann Coulter -Voter Fraud
Larry Craig -resigns over public toilet sex scandal
Duke Cunningham -prison
Tom DeLay -dropped out – Under indictment
Lorita Doan - Hatch Act violations
Pete Domenici -Iglesias firing investigation
John Doolittle -Entangled with the Jack Abramoff Affair
Lance Dutson - Susan Collins campaign staffer, called FDL a “foul mouth femblog”
Barry S. Edward -Rudy fundraiser steps down wrt sex & stolen computers
Michael Elston -Resigned after urging 4 fired attorneys to keep quiet
Alan B. Fabian -Romney co-chairman indicted fraud, obstruction & laundering
Italia Federici - Resigned. Convicted of obstruction of justice/Abramoff
Tom Feeney -focus Abramoff investigation
Douglas Feith -Resigned OSP. Manipulated intelligence to bolster war in Iraq
Ari Fleisher - Resigned; Involved in Plame Affair
Dusty Kyle Foggo -Indicted for fraud, conspiracy & money laundering
Mark Foley -sex scandal
Jeff Gannon -Illegal White House entry
Steven Griles - Resigned. Convicted of obstruction of justice/Abramoff
Alberto Gonzales- Cut & Run on heels of investigation
Monica Goodling - Heavily involved in planning USA’s dismissals
J. Timothy Griffin - Resigns after Palast turns over 500 RNC emails sent by Griffin
Ted Haggard -removed for sex and drug abuse scandal
Katherine Harris -dropped out; Gave Florida to GW Bush
Duncan Hunter -Involved in ongoing Abramoff investigation
Bernard Kerik -Under scrutiny for tax invasion
Won Kim-Resigns amid DOJ scandal
Doug Lamborn -Left threatening voicemails to locals questioning his fundraising
Ken Lay -Bush’s biggest contributor scams millions
Jerry Lewis -under federal investigation
Scooter Libby -Guilty by his peers; Innocent by his Prez
Rush Limbaugh - Illegal drug use and Importation
Mary Matalan -Attended meetings of the secretive Iraq Study Group
Paul McNulty -Resigned after saying the WH not involved in DOJ scandal
Harriet Miers -DOJ Investigation Subpeona Refusal
Gary Miller -FBI investigation on tax evasion; Withdrew DHS nomination
Lisa Murkowski -land deal scandal
Bob Ney -prison
Wally O’Dell -Bush fundraiser and CEO of Diebold; Insider trading suspicion
Richard Perle -Resigned. Bribery accusations and conflicts of interest.
Richard Pombo -Allegation of corruption and misuse of official resources
Susan Ralston -Resigned. Testified that Rove used RNC email system always
Thomas Ravenel -Indicted on Cocaine charges
Ralph Reed - investigation for his part in Abramoff scandal
Rick Renzi -home raided
Mitt Romney-Lack of oversight of Big Dig causes death of Milena Delvalle
Karl Rove -Resigned for involvement of AG scandal; Hatch Act; Outed CIA agent
John Rowland - convicted and sent to jail for bribe-taking and kickbacks.
Don Rumsfeld -Resigned. Failed to plan for a post-war Iraq.
David Safavian -convicted in Jack Abramoff scandal
Kyle Sampson - Resigned over the AG Scandal
Michael Scanlon -Guilty of corruption charges in Abramoff scandal
Brad Schlozman -resigned amid charges of politicizing DoJ
Jean Schmidt -Called Jack Murtha a coward during an Iraq debate.
Ted Stevens -under investigation
Sara Taylor -resigns amid DOJ scandal, not recalling anything.
David Vitter -sex scandals
David Wurmser -Questioned by FBI about passing classified info to Chalabi
Curt Weldon -dropped out
Heather Wilson -Iglesias firing investigation
Paul Wolfowitz -Resigned as Pres. Of World Bank for a companions’ promotion.
Don Young -under investigation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Here's a little document I've seen:

REPUBLICAN = Senators Having Secret, Bathroom, “Huckabee” Sex

$3.00/gallon GAS!

Collapsed Bridges & Crumbling Roads, but...
More tax breaks for the Rich!

and your emails being intercepted!

REPUBLICAN = New Orleans Hurricane Nightmare
and No Federal Help for Days

and “I am not a crook.”

“Water-Boarding is not Torture” and Secret, Illegal Sex with Underage Congressional Pages

REPUBLICAN = secret airport
poop sex, email snooping, torture and lies!