Friday, August 17, 2007

$30K in 30 Days?

The call went out about a month ago to drum up as much support as we could for Rick. We've had Rick introduced to the Blogosphere:

Daily Kos
Burnt Orange Report

Currently, raised across ActBlue: 498 contributors for $29,932

Let's make it past 500 contributors for $30K by the weekend. That's two people for $34 a piece. If someone makes one $34 contribution. I'll make the last.

According to FEC filings, primary challenger Mikal Watts has $1.95M already set aside for the primary. It's NOT an impossible goal. Let's get to the $30K, and beyond!



boadicea said...

We Made It!!!

Over 500 contibutors and over $30k in funds.

Thanks to all who helped make this possible, and let's keep going!!!

NoriegaBlog said...

whoot! I think thats amazing, a thousand a day for 30 days... But we can raise for 10 years and not beat Watts' personal self contributions... So lets keep it going!